duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010

Someday you will be loved

I once knew a girl with purple black eyes and ebony hair on her marble-white face. She smiled always brightly but I could see the sad violet hiding there. She would ask me meaningless things but I knew what she really said... I couldn't answer her...

I once knew a boy with short chestnut hair and the sweetest childish face... He would embrace me and then he would simply ignore me... I knew what he really meant... I couldn't pretend like I did not care...

She had stars in her head and knew them all by name... She would dance me around into anything... We had nights veiled in smoke, beer and chocolate cake as we watched over the lights of the city...
I would lie in his arms and watch him sleep... as a soap bubble breaks and water drops drip so I had to go and leave him alone... Cause we could not be as he was born later than me and he deserved someone to care for his own dreams and not live in another world...

One day she fled as I knew she would fly and only left this note...
You'll be loved like you never have known and the memoirs of me would seem more like bad dreams. Just a series of blurs... like I never occurred... Some day you will be loved! You may feel alone when you're falling asleep but I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet...


you will

be loved... *

*(Death cab for cutie - Someday you will be loved)

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